Support Page for the
Instagram Insights Connector

With our Instagram Insights Connector for Looker Studio you can report on the most important statistics of your Instagram fan page. To use the connector you can connect with your Google Account or just with your email. Both Logins will make an account in the Data Hub app. If you have any questions about the connector, go to our Support Center.


Instagram Insights Dashboard

How to connect the
Instagram page data?

Step 1.
When you’ve selected the connector in Looker Studio, you need to authorize the use of the Looker Studio Connector.

Step 2.
The next step is to authorize the Instagram Insights Connector.

Step 3.
Login to your Instagram account and make the connection.

Step 4.
When you’ve made the connection with Looker Studio you will see all the possible fields of data with a description of what they mean.

Step 5.
When you click on ‘make report’ you will connect the data to the template.

Frequently asked questions

Find here the most asked questions about the Instagram Insights Connector. Can’t find your question here? Ask us in the Instagram Insights repository.

Why can't I see any Instgram accounts to connect?

Is your Instagram account connected to a Facebook Page?

Instagram Professional accounts must be connected to a Facebook Page before their data can be accessed through the API. Once connected, any Facebook User who is able to perform Tasks on that Page can grant your app an access token, which can then be used in API requests.

This link can help you with connecting your Facebook Page to your Instagram Business Account.

Metrics and Dimensions of the Instagram Insights Connector

You can use the following metrics and dimensions to Looker Studio:

Name Type Description
Date YEAR_MONTH_DAY Date breakdown
Audience City TEXT Cities of followers for whom we have demographic data. Does not include current day's data. Not available on IG Users with fewer than 100 followers. Only top 45 cities with highest values returned.
Audience Country COUNTRY_CODE Countries of followers for whom we have demographic data. Does not include current day's data. Not available on IG Users with fewer than 100 followers. Only top 45 countries with highest values returned.
Gender and Age TEXT The gender and age distribution of followers for whom we have demographic data. Does not include current day's data. Not available on IG Users with fewer than 100 followers. Possible values: M (male), F (female), U (unknown).
Gender TEXT The gender distribution of followers for whom we have demographic data. Does not include current day's data. Not available on IG Users with fewer than 100 followers. Possible values: M (male), F (female), U (unknown).
Age TEXT The age distribution of followers for whom we have demographic data. Does not include current day's data. Not available on IG Users with fewer than 100 followers.
Location TEXT Locales by country codes of followers for whom we have demographic data. Does not include current day's data. Not available on IG Users with fewer than 100 followers. Only top 45 locales with highest values returned.
Online Followers TEXT Total number of this profile's followers that were online during the specified period
New followers NUMBER Total number of new followers each day within the specified range. Returns a maximum of 30 days worth of data. Not available on IG Users with fewer than 100 followers.
Get Directions Clicks NUMBER Total number of taps on the directions link in this profile
Impressions NUMBER Total number of times the Business Account's media objects have been viewed
Reach NUMBER Total number of times the Business Account's media objects have been uniquely viewed
Caption TEXT Caption
Media ID TEXT Media ID
Instagram media ID TEXT Instagram media ID
Is comments enabled BOOLEAN Indicates if comments are enabled or disabled
Media product type TEXT Surface where the media is published. Can be AD, FEED, IGTV, or STORY.
Media type TEXT Media type. Can be CAROUSEL_ALBUM, IMAGE, or VIDEO.
Media URL URL Media URL. Will be omitted from responses if the media contains copyrighted material, or has been flagged for a copyright violation.
Permalink url URL Permanent URL to the media
Permalink HYPERLINK Permanentlink to the media
Shortcode TEXT Shortcode to the media
Media thumbnail URL URL Media thumbnail URL. Only available on VIDEO media
Media thumbnail IMAGE Media thumbnail. Only available on VIDEO media
Timestamp YEAR_MONTH_DAY_SECOND ISO 8601 formatted creation date in UTC (default is UTC ±00:00)
Username TEXT Username of user who created the media
Instagram TV media title TEXT Instagram TV media title. Will not be returned if targeting an Instagram TV video created on or after October 5, 2021.
Comments count NUMBER Count of comments on the media. Excludes comments on album child media and the media's caption. Includes replies on comments.
Like count NUMBER Count of likes on the media. Excludes likes on album child media and likes on promoted posts created from the media. Includes replies on comments.
Media Engagement NUMBER Total number of likes and comments on the media object
Media Impressions NUMBER Total number of times the media object has been seen
Media Reach NUMBER Total number of unique accounts that have seen the media object
Media Saved NUMBER Total number of unique accounts that have saved the media object
Biography TEXT
Profile picture url URL
Profile picture IMAGE_LINK
Website TEXT
Followers NUMBER Total number of people who follow the IG User.
Follows NUMBER Total number of people who the IG User follows.
Media Count NUMBER The total count of posts for the lifetime of the Instagram profile.
Tag Media ID TEXT
Tag Media product type TEXT
Tag Media type TEXT
Tag Caption TEXT
Tag Permalink URL
Tag Username TEXT
Tag Media URL URL
Tag Comments count NUMBER
Tag Like count NUMBER