Support page for the
Mailchimp Connector


With the Mailchimp Connector you can report on the most important statistics of your Mailchimp account. To use this connector you can connect with your Google Account or just with your email. Both Logins will make an account in the Data Hub app. If you have any questions about the connector, go to our Support Center.

The Mailchimp Connector has a template. This template contains general information about your sent emails & user lists. You can also see per sent mailing how many users opened the email and other statistics. It has 1 page.

Mailchimp Dashboard

How to connect the
Mailchimp data?

Step 1.
When you’ve selected the connector in Looker Studio, you need to authorize the use of the Looker Studio Connector.

Step 2.
The next step is to authorize the Mailchimp Connector.

Step 3.
Login to your Mailchimp account and make the connection.

Step 4.
When you’ve made the connection with Looker Studio you will see all the possible fields of data with a description of what they mean.

Step 5.
When you click on ‘make report’ you will connect the data to the template.


Metrics and Dimensions of the Mailchimp Connector

You can use the following metrics and dimensions to Looker Studio:

Name Type Description
Create time YEAR_MONTH_DAY_SECOND The date and time the campaign was created
Archive url URL The link to the campaign's archive version
Status TEXT The current status of the campaign
Title TEXT The current title of the campaign
Opens NUMBER The opens of the campaign
Unique opens NUMBER The unique opens of the campaign
Unopened NUMBER The unopened of the campaign
Open rate PERCENT The open rate of the campaign
Clicks NUMBER The amount of clicks of the campaign
Subscriber clicks NUMBER The amount of subscriber clicks of the campaign
Click rate PERCENT The click rate of the campaign
Ecommerce total orders NUMBER
Ecommerce total spent CURRENCY_EUR
Ecommerce total revenue CURRENCY_EUR
Emails sent NUMBER The amount of emails sent of the campaign
List name TEXT
Company TEXT
Address 1 TEXT
Address 2 TEXT
State TEXT
Country TEXT
Phone TEXT
Member count NUMBER
Unsubscribe count NUMBER
Campaign count NUMBER
Open rate list PERCENT
Click rate list PERCENT