Support page for the
Pinterest Connector


With the Pinterest Connector you can report on the most important statistics of your Pinterest account. It is about the paid campaigns of your account. To use this connector you can connect with your Google Account or just with your email. Both Logins will make an account in the Data Hub app.

The Pinterest Connector has a template. The template has one page. On this page you can see all the total values of the most important metrics. There is a time serie where you can see the impressions & click over time, for the different campaigns. On the bottom there is a table the performance of the different ads.

Pinterest Ads dashboard

How to connect the
Pinterest data?

Step 1.
When you’ve selected the connector in Looker Studio, you need to authorize the use of the Looker Studio Connector.

Step 2.
The next step is to authorize the Pinterest Connector.

Step 3.
Login to your Pinterest account and make the connection.

Step 4.
When you’ve made the connection with Looker Studio you will see all the possible fields of data with a description of what they mean.

Step 5.
When you click on ‘make report’ you will connect the data to the template.

Metrics and Dimensions of the Pinterest Connector

You can use the following metrics and dimensions to Looker Studio:

Name Type Description
Ad id NUMBER The id of the ad
Date YEAR_MONTH_DAY The date for which the data applies
Pin description TEXT The description of the pin
Pin image url URL The url of the image of the pin
Pin image IMAGE The image that belongs to the pin
Destination url URL The destination url of the ad
keyword TEXT The destination keywords of the ad
Campaign id NUMBER The id of the campaign
Adgroup id NUMBER The id of the adgroup
Ad account id NUMBER The id of the ad account
Pin id TEXT The id of the pin
Campaign name TEXT The name of the campaign
Adgroup name TEXT The name of the adgroup
Ad name TEXT The name of the ad
Pin promotion name TEXT The name of the pin
campaign status TEXT The status of the campaign
Ad status TEXT The status of the ad
Pin promotion status TEXT The promotion status of the pin
Campaign managed status TEXT The managed status of the campaign
Adgroup status TEXT The status of the adgroup
Ad ctr PERCENT The Click-through rate of the ad
Spend CURRENCY_EUR The amount of money spend on the ad
Paid impressions NUMBER The total amount of paid impressions on the ad
Earned impressions NUMBER The total amount of earned impressions on the ad
Ad Impressions NUMBER The total amount of impressions on the ad
ad total audience NUMBER total amount of users reached with the ad
Paid engagement NUMBER The total amount of paid engagement with the ad
Earned engagement NUMBER The total amount of earned engagement with the ad
Ad engagement NUMBER The total amount of engagement with the ad
Ad cpm CURRENCY_EUR The cost per 1000 times the ad is shown
Paid outbound clicks NUMBER The total amount of paid outbound clicks on the ad
Earned outbound clicks NUMBER The total amount of earned outbound clicks on the ad
Ad outbound clicks NUMBER The total amount of outbound clicks on the ad
Ad conversions NUMBER The total amount of paid conversions
Ad conversions value CURRENCY_EUR The total value of the conversion
Ad checkout ROAS NUMBER The checkout ROAS
Paid repins NUMBER The total amount of paid repins
Earned repins NUMBER The total amount of earned repins
Ad repins NUMBER The total amount of repins
Ad total checkout NUMBER The total amount of checkouts
Ad total lead NUMBER The total amount of leads
Ad gross impressions NUMBER The gross amount of impressions
Ad gross clicks NUMBER The gross amount of clicks
Ad tagged product visits NUMBER The total amount of tagged product visits of the ad
Paid tagged product visits NUMBER The total amount of paid tagged product visits of the ad
Earned tagged product visits NUMBER The total amount of earned tagged product visits of the ad
Ad checkout value CURRENCY_EUR The total checkout value
Ad click checkout quantity NUMBER The total amount of checkout clicks
Ad engagement checkout quantity NUMBER The total amount of checkout engagements
Ad view checkout quantity NUMBER The total amount of checkout views
Ad view checkout value CURRENCY_EUR The total value of checkout views
Ad click page visit value CURRENCY_EUR The total value of page visit clicks
Ad click signup value CURRENCY_EUR The total value of signup clicks
Ad click checkout value CURRENCY_EUR The total value of checkout clicks
Ad click add to cart value CURRENCY_EUR The total value of add to cart clicks
Ad click lead value CURRENCY_EUR The total value of lead clicks
Ad page visit ROAS NUMBER The total ROAS of page visits
Ad total conversion quantity NUMBER The total amount of conversions
Paid clicks NUMBER The total amount of paid clicks on the ad
Earned clicks NUMBER The total amount of earned clicks on the ad
Ad clicks NUMBER The total amount of clicks on the ad
Ad add to cart cost per action CURRENCY_EUR The total cost per action of add to carts
Ad checkout cost per action CURRENCY_EUR The total cost per action of checkouts
Ad signup cost per action CURRENCY_EUR The total cost per action of signups
Ad lead cost per action CURRENCY_EUR The total cost per action of leads
Ad add to cart ROAS NUMBER The total ROAS of add to carts
Ad signup ROAS NUMBER The ROAs amount of signups
Ad lead ROAS NUMBER The ROAS amount of leads
Ad add to cart value CURRENCY_EUR The total value of add to carts
Ad signup value CURRENCY_EUR The total value of signups
Ad lead value CURRENCY_EUR The total value of leads
Ad engagement signup value CURRENCY_EUR The total value of signup engagements
Ad engagement checkout value CURRENCY_EUR The total value of checkout engagements
Ad engagement add to cart value CURRENCY_EUR The total value of add to cart engagements
Ad engagement lead value CURRENCY_EUR The total value of lead engagements
Ad view signup value CURRENCY_EUR The total value of signup views
Ad view add to cart value CURRENCY_EUR The total value of add to cart views
Ad view lead value CURRENCY_EUR The total value of lead views
Ad signup conversions NUMBER The total amount of signup conversions
Ad checkout conversions NUMBER The total amount of checkout conversions
Ad add to cart conversions NUMBER The total amount of add to cart conversions
Ad lead conversions NUMBER The total amount of lead conversions
Pin engagement NUMBER total engagement of the pin
Pin engagement rate NUMBER total engagement rate of the pin
Pin impressions NUMBER total impressions of the pin
Pin outbound clicks NUMBER total outbound clicks of the pin
Pin outbound clickrate NUMBER total outbound clickrate of the pin
Pin clicks NUMBER total pin clicks on the pin
Pin clickrate NUMBER pin clickrate of the pin
Pin saves NUMBER pin saves of the pin
Pin saverate NUMBER total pin saverate of the pin
Video 10s watch NUMBER video pin amount of 10s views
Video pin watch time DURATION total watch time of the video pin in ms
Video pin average watch time DURATION video pin avg watch time in ms
95% video pin views NUMBER total amount of 95% views
Video mrc views NUMBER video pin amount of times shown
Pin type organic/paid TEXT describes whether the pin is organic, paid or both
Pin content type TEXT describes whether the pin is a product, standard or video pin